Thursday, August 23, 2018

Collaboration scenario: sharing and cloning

Recently, feature set got new additions: chart cloning and chart sharing. Cloning is getting an exact copy of a source chart. Sharing is allowing other users to edit your chart.

Consider an example: Bob is working on a chart and wants Alice to help him. Bob opens the chart in the editor, finds "Sharing" panel and clicks "Share with another user" button. He is presented with a popup that displays a URL of the invitation that Bob has to send Alice so she gets access to his chart. Bob presses "Confirm":

Now, "Sharing" panel displays the invitation in the list. If Bob changes his mind, he can cancel this invitation by clicking the "x" button on the right of the invitation:

Monday, May 7, 2018

Javascript ES6 only please

Starting from May 7, 2018, charts are not displayed in browsers that do not support major ES6 features. In plain English: Internet Explorer users will not be able to see charts created by, Edge users should be fine. Also, the editor now requires ES6 as well (which is not much of a change since the editor requires data uri support and IE and Edge are both lacking it).

Charts have just become 5-10% smaller in size.

Monday, January 29, 2018 as an educational resource: motion charts visualizing World Bank data

High school students extract data from the World Bank dataset and create a motion chart that shows the relationship between life expectancy and expenditure on health in different countries. See discussion in Information Technology Teachers' Mailing List:

A set of instructions for Yr11 Information Technology students: