Refresh your data journalism skills. Let's look at San Francisco police dept incident database for the years 2003-2013 available here: For convenience, let's use a snapshot of it stored as Google spreadsheet. It contains about 15000 records, one record per incident.
Let's create a Pie chart with totals for each crime category.
1. Login to and create a new Pie chart.
2. In the Data panel, click "Import" (you can find it right under the data grid).
3. On wizard screen #1, paste data from the spreadsheet (we will re-use this data in all examples):
4. On Wizard screen #2, select series (crime category), category(NONE) and value (NONE) columns:
5. On Wizard screen #3 (filtering), leave all fields blank - we do not need any filtering.
6. On wizard screen #4, keep aggregate function selection at COUNT, so data import routine simply counts correspondent records.
7. On Wizard screen #5 (sorting), leave default values in all fields and click "Done"
8. As a result, you will get this data grid and chart:
Totals by year
Naturally, now we are curious how crime picture progressed through the years. Initial steps are the same, but the chart type is Line now.
Let's create a Pie chart with totals for each crime category.
1. Login to and create a new Pie chart.
2. In the Data panel, click "Import" (you can find it right under the data grid).
3. On wizard screen #1, paste data from the spreadsheet (we will re-use this data in all examples):
4. On Wizard screen #2, select series (crime category), category(NONE) and value (NONE) columns:
5. On Wizard screen #3 (filtering), leave all fields blank - we do not need any filtering.
6. On wizard screen #4, keep aggregate function selection at COUNT, so data import routine simply counts correspondent records.
7. On Wizard screen #5 (sorting), leave default values in all fields and click "Done"
8. As a result, you will get this data grid and chart:
Totals by year
Naturally, now we are curious how crime picture progressed through the years. Initial steps are the same, but the chart type is Line now.